Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Quick freedom ipod 2.2.1.

If you are having trouble using QuickFreedom Please find your question below and it may help you. QuickFreedom is the first iPod touch 2nd Generation Untethered GUI program that allows you to quickly Jailbreak your iPod touch. QuickFreedom supports jailbreaking the latest iPod Touch 2G with 2. You should download: Quick Freedom iPod Touch 2G 2. The Same applies for the the Original Firmware 2. FIRST FILE SECOND FILE firmware/ YOU NEED THE FIRMWARE. IPod Touch Users have now found a way to install and use iPhone OS 3.

READ!!!!! Go to download version the old 1. I used Quick Freedom for my jailbreak and it worked very well. 1 firmware , the step jailbreaking process is quite simple and can be done easily as. 1mb , iPod touch 2G firmware 2. 30: A simple way to read the web, and much more downloads. Help me downgrade my iPhone back from 3. 1 Firmware You can do this through Quick Freedom LibUsb. So I will not continue to release a final. Well I have not updated Qu ickFreedom in a few months and it does not seem xpwn will be updated.

Get ready 2 core files before hack into your iPod touch 2G. And aslo download quick freedom program to jailreak your ipod and simply follow the direction. 1 i downloaded itunes v9 says 9.