Old Version of OpenOffice 1. There is no warranty about the information in this document. 0, the software, seems to have struck a. By Nick Richards with some content from John McCreesh and Louis Suárez-Potts. 0 was launched under the following mission statement: To create, as. It is available in PDF and in OpenOffice. Org "OOo" --the development project behind OpenOffice. 0 one week ago, how does OpenOffice. The filter comprises of a set of XSLT 1.
Icon You may have heard of Sun Microsystems' StarOffice which is being offered as a viable and cheaper alternative to Microsoft Office. A free version of Sun Microsystems' StarOffice business productivity suite is now available for download from OpenOffice. A multiplatform and multilingual office suite and an open-source project. Org, the best-selling StarOffice" Companion, adapted for OpenOffice. Org actually perform when compared with its StarOffice sibling and. System Requirements for Open Office. Com for the following notes on. Trademarks are owned by their owners. Compatible with all other major office suites, free to download, use, and distribute.
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